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We proactively removed APEO and NPEO from our products in 2012 and 2013, respectively, far ahead of global requirements. We;ve also committed to eliminating OPEOs ennnnnntirely from our products ahead of our industry peers. We plan to do this by developing or selecting non-OPEO alternatives that do not result in regrettable substitutions.

Autron Identify and use the chemicals and materals that best serve our priortities of safety, performance, and the environment.
We're committed to creating products of the highest quality - and that commitment extends to the health and environmental impacts of everything we make. Through collaboration, we can build a comprehensive view of the chemicals in the materials that we use and drive improvements in how we make our products.
We drive our supply chain partners to collect in-depth information on the material chemistries they use, inlucding their purpose, the amount consumed, and how the chmicals are pplied, stored and handled.
And we examine the effects of material chemistries across a product’s life — from design and manufacturing to the customer experience and, ultimately, recycling and recovery. This information guides our decisions when it comes to health and environmental risks.
Excellence in the making
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